My baby is ill. So very, very ill.
I'm not on my computer right now, because, wouldn't you know it? My computer contracted some sort of virus or SOMEthing at some point and when I turned on my computer today, I couldn't get into Windows. I talked to the tech guy at Dell, and I'm currently trying to install Windows on top of itself or something in an attempt to get into the Windows system so I can back up my files before I have to, basically, lose everything I've ever saved -- ever -- onto the computer. EVERYTHING.
There's still a chance that some of my stuff will already be missing, but this is my best chance....oh god oh god. EVERYTHING. My computer is my livelihood. And wtf am I supposed to do? Save everything on to freakin' CD-R discs? Or...upload everything to the Internet somehow, assuming I'll still have a connection? Or....oh god. Why me? Why is this happening?! Why don't we have any CD-RW discs, gosh darn it?! Blalaaaaarrrgh!
I *was* going to post about how badly my week's been going so far in terms of the unlucky-being, but...really. This pretty much sums it up AND takes the cake. The big, chocolate cake. I might still post something later, maybe, because damn it, I'm a blogger and that's what I freaking do. Even if I'm a blogger with NO FILES.